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Can I afford to hire an attorney if I was injured in a crash?

Contingency fee

If you were injured in a traffic collision due to someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior, you may be looking to pursue a claim. A common mistake people make is assuming that they can’t afford to hire an attorney. They attempt to handle their claims alone and risk being denied the compensation they deserve.

Handling a car accident claim without an attorney is risky because the insurance company that represents the at-fault driver will do everything in its power to pay you as little as possible. If you speak to the other driver’s insurance company, you could unknowingly admit to fault. Your statements will be recorded and anything you say can be used against your claim.

That’s why it’s critical that you hire an attorney to handle your case. While some law firms charge upfront legal fees, Zbinden & Curtis, Attorneys At Law in Portland, OR do not. We operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay unless we win your case.

Contingency fees explained

Contingency fees are designed to allow clients access to legal representation without having to pay any upfront costs. Our attorneys pay for the cost of launching an investigation, obtaining documents, and litigating your case.

In order to be reimbursed for our expenses and services, we take a percentage of your compensation while ensuring that all of your losses are recovered. Your recovery pays for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering.

Contingency fees only apply to expenses paid by your attorney, as well as the time and labor put into your case. You may still have to pay for other expenses not directly related to the services provided by your attorney. This often includes court fees and filing fees.

Do I have to pay for a case evaluation?

Our law firm offers free and confidential case evaluations. The purpose of your case evaluation is to determine if you have a solid claim. During this time, we’ll ask you about the details of your crash, the injuries you sustained, and the treatment you’re receiving from your doctor. A link between the at-fault driver’s negligence and your injuries must be established.

If we decide to take your case, it can take some time to resolve it. We’ll need to launch an in-depth investigation into the cause of your crash and tally up the total damages accrued.

Zbinden & Curtis, Attorneys At Law know how financially devastating the aftermath of a crash can be. You’re facing costly medical bills while you’re out of work and unable to collect a paycheck. That’s why we want to ensure that getting the right legal representation is affordable.

To get started on your claim, simply contact us online and our attorneys will get back to you promptly.

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