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Study: Men Three Times More Likely to Die In Distracted Driving Accidents

In 2020, more than 3,000 people died in car accidents involving distracted driving. Here in Oregon, thousands of car accidents are caused by distracted drivers yearly. While there are many elements of distracted driving, a new study shows that males are more likely to die due to distracted driving than females.

Distracted driving is hazardous, regardless if you are a male or female. But unfortunately, it is a common and risky driving behavior that too many people do daily. Tragically, distracted drivers often cause crashes that severely injure or kill others.

Crash victims have recourse through the civil justice system, but proving the at-fault driver was distracted can be challenging. And without the proper evidence, your case can quickly turn into a “he-said, she-said” situation that compromises the compensation you’re eligible to recover for your losses.

That’s why it’s crucial to contact a car accident lawyer if you were injured in a crash that was not your fault. At Zbinden and Curtis, Attorneys at Law, our lawyers can investigate your accident and uncover evidence to prove the other driver was distracted or driving recklessly. Then, we can fight for the compensation you’re entitled to under Oregon law. Schedule a free case evaluation with our personal injury law firm today to learn more about how we can help you.

What is distracted driving?

Distracted driving occurs when a driver’s attention is focused on something else that is not related to driving. Many people know that there are laws against texting and driving, but when it comes to distracted driving, that’s just the beginning. Distracted drivers are looking, hearing, handling, or thinking about something other than driving.

Compared to other states, Oregon has some stricter laws against distracted driving. According to Trusted Choice, it is currently against the law in Oregon to drive and:

  • Read, write and send a text message or email from a handheld device.
  • Talk on a handheld cellphone.
  • Use any handheld communication device.

The laws are even stricter for younger drivers. For example, drivers under 18 cannot use a cell phone or any mobile device while driving, even if it is hands-free.

Risky male drivers

According to data published in Newsweek, 75 percent of the distracted driving deaths in 2020 were caused by male drivers. In the same year, distracted driving killed 781 women and 2,125 men.

The Newsweek report noted that men are riskier drivers because they drive more than women. On top of that, distracted driving accidents caused by male drivers are often more severe because it’s more common for men to speed, drive drunk, and drive without wearing a seatbelt.

There are many different forms of distracted driving. The Drive shares how much more likely men are to participate in distracting driving than women. Men are:

  • 22 percent more likely to use their smartphones while behind the wheel.
  • 74 percent more likely to drive with their knees.
  • 70 percent more likely to watch videos while driving.
  • 260 percent more likely to check out pedestrians.

What to do if you were hit by a distracted driver

If you were hurt in an accident due to the reckless behavior of a distracted driver, a car accident attorney can help you hold the other driver accountable and fight for the financial compensation you deserve. At Zbinden & Curtis, Attorneys at Law, we will stand by your side, work to build the strongest possible legal case, and do everything possible to maximize the value of your claim.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer from our Portland, Oregon, law office to learn more about how we can help you.

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