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Seeking Justice: Legal Options for Portland Parking Lot Injuries

Parking lot injuries

Anything can happen in a busy parking lot. You may encounter a distracted or speeding driver or a hazard that should have been addressed by the property or business owner. Parking lot injuries can happen anywhere: grocery stores, shopping malls, college campuses, bars and restaurants, hospitals and government buildings.

If you were injured in a parking lot, it’s important to understand whose negligent or reckless actions were involved. It’s also important to understand how to take legal action and pursue a successful claim. Speak to the Portland, Oregon attorneys at Zbinden & Curtis to learn about your legal rights.

What are common ways parking lot injuries occur?

The most common incidents that lead to parking lot injuries include:

  • Car accidents. Car accidents may not happen at high speeds in parking lots, but that doesn’t mean that injuries can’t occur. Parking lot car accidents are usually caused by distracted driving or speeding and often involve rear-end collisions or side-impact crashes.
  • Pedestrian accidents. Pedestrians can easily be hit in parking lots. Since they are the most vulnerable road users, they can sustain serious injuries, even when being hit at a low speed. Pedestrian accidents in parking lots often occur when drivers are inattentive or when backing out of parking spaces.
  • Falls. It only takes an uneven surface, large crack, hidden curb, piece of debris, or unaddressed snow or ice to cause a slip and fall accident. People who fall in parking lots often sustain serious injuries after hitting the hard pavement.
  • Violent encounters. Violence can happen anywhere at any time. It tends to happen more at night or in areas where security is lacking. Violent encounters often include muggings, sexual assault, fights and random assaults.

Who is responsible if I sustained an injury in a parking lot?

If you were hurt in a parking lot, determining who is responsible depends on the type of accident that led to your injuries. In most cases, the responsible parties include:

  • The motorist who hit you. If you were injured in a car or pedestrian accident in a parking lot, the driver who hit you is responsible for causing your injuries. In this case, you would be able to pursue damages from the driver’s insurance company.
  • The owner of a business or property. If you were injured in a slip and fall, the owner of the business or property that you were visiting at the time of your accident may be found responsible for failing to maintain safe premises. If you were injured in a violent assault, the same party can be found responsible for failing to provide adequate security personnel, security cameras and lighting.

A lawyer can handle your claim

Proving fault after a parking lot accident can be difficult. Often times, it’s your word against the responsible party’s. The Portland attorneys at Zbinden & Curtis know how to gather evidence and present the facts. We can gather surveillance camera footage (if available), statements from witnesses, medical records, incident reports, crash reports and other pieces of evidence that can support your claim.

Our attorneys will also ensure that a fair value is placed on your claim and we’ll fight to help you recover every penny of your losses. Contact us online today to schedule your free case evaluation.

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