Mon-Fri: 8am-5:30pm | Sat: 8am-1pm





News and insights about injury law, claims, insurance, rights and more from our experienced team.

Drivers who run red lights are causing more auto accidents in Portland, Oregon than ever. If you've been hurt in a crash, you need...
A self-driving Uber that hit and killed a pedestrian recently made national headlines. Driver distraction may have been a factor. Our attorneys discuss....
Daimler trucks has begun testing new safety technology, which it hopes to bring to Oregon roads. If you have been injured in a truck...
National organizations would like to eliminate roadway deaths by the year 2050. In the event of a crash, contact Zbinden & Curtis Attorneys at...
The Department of Transportation has finalized rules to address the risk silent-running electric vehicles present to pedestrians....
Fatal car accidents have been steadily on the rise in recent years. In the event of a crash, you need the legal advocacy of...

Free Injury Case Evaluation

The dedicated personal injury attorneys at Zbinden & Curtis Attorneys At Law are here to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Call our Portland office at (503) 287-5000 or our Woodburn office at (503) 982-7000 today to schedule your free consultation.