An experienced car accident attorney in Portland, Oregon knows that many drivers take risks when driving over the holiday season because they are in a rush to get everything done for a celebration or because they are eager to have a good time with friends and family. However, you do not want to be one of the many drivers who is injured or even killed in a crash over the holidays. Instead, you need to follow some basic tips for safe travel so that you can avoid a deadly collision.
Tips for Safe Holiday Travel
Some tips that can help you to reduce the risk of a holiday season auto accident include the following:
- Always drive sober. USA Today reports that 1,091 people died in auto accidents due to drunk drivers between Thanksgiving weekend and New Years. New Years is one of the most dangerous days as far as driving drunk. You should always have a designated driver when you go out to any event or celebration and plan to drink, and if you don’t have one, then call a cab home. There are different programs offered by AAA and other local businesses to provide a free tow home or a free or reduced price cab ride to partygoers on New Years who need help getting home.
- Keep calm and don’t get frustrated. The Washington Post reported on a poll conducted by State Farm Insurance that showed an estimated 32 percent of drivers said that holiday stress tended to cause road rage and/or make them more aggressive drivers. A driver who is overly aggressive or who engages in behaviors traditionally associated with road rage, such as excessive speed or cutting other motorists off, could significantly increase the chances of an accident.
- Know when the most dangerous driving days are. This year, experts believe that the most dangerous day will be the Friday before Christmas since there are going to be a ton of people commuting home, traveling to their holiday destinations or finishing up shopping. Ten year data on traffic accidents has showed that, in general, the six days surrounding December 25th are the worst for motorists, with 18 percent more crashes than Thanksgiving weekend and 27 percent more accidents than New Years Eve.
By staying calm, paying careful attention to the road and to other drivers, and staying sober, you should hopefully be able to get home safe and sound from all of your holiday journeys.
Car accident lawyers in Portland OR can help if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident. Contact Zbinden & Curtis today at (503) 287-5000 for a free case consultation.
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